Publication in line with the Regulations governing Energy Grid Charges (Stromnetzentgeltverordnung - StromNEV)
StromNEV is a set of regulations based on the EnWG (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz - Energy Industry Act). It regulates how the methods for establishing the charges for access to the electricity transmission and distribution grids (grid charges) are determined, including the establishment of charges for decentralised feeds.
Publication obligation pursuant to Section 10 (2) StromNEV
Average losses per grid and voltage level in %
High Voltage | High/Medium Voltage | Medium Voltage | Medium/Low Voltage | Low Voltage |
0.37 | 0.40 | 0.52 | 1.10 | 2.53 |
The average cost of covering energy losses in 2023 for the Berlin distribution grid operated by Stromnetz Berlin GmbH amounted to 15.271 ct/kWh.
Last update March 2024
The data published here were produced and prepared for release with the greatest care. Nonetheless, errors in recording and transmission cannot be ruled out. Stromnetz Berlin GmbH therefore expressly reserves the right to change the published data at any time and assumes no responsibility for its accuracy. If arrangements are made based on the data published which lead to damages to the user or a third party, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH cannot be held liable unless they were aware of the data's inaccuracy at the time of publication and intended to damage the user or a third party.
The distribution system operator Stromnetz Berlin GmbH operated under the name “Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH” until April 1st, 2013 and was part of the Vattenfall Group until June 30th, 2021. Some of the files published here were created before the day of the change of name and are still available with the company name valid at the time of creation due to the legal publication obligations. Some of the files published in the period from April 2nd, 2013 to June 30th, 2021 contain a reference to the Vattenfall Group.