Our online portals
We provide further online portals for information and services.
Centralized access to our online portals for customer and service provider.
Meter status online
You wish to inform us of your meter status because
- you received notification from us, as the regional grid operator, of your annual meter reading,
- you wish to document your meter status on moving in or out, or
- you are changing your energy provider and wish to document the meter status at the time of the switch.
Customer request
Please use our customer portal for a request.
Customer portal
Registration of a solar plants up to 100 kWp and charging infrastructure and inquiries for low voltage connection and temporary connections (< 250 A) via our customer portal.
Load profile data online
A load profile meter is installed at your withdrawal point and you would like to view your load profile data.
Meter assembly portal
As an electrician, you want to exchange data with us about customer triggered meter assemblies.
Service Provider Portal
As a contract partner, you would like to document, process and invoice measures you undertake on our distribution grid.
Grid data (OpenData)
We publish data about and on Berlin's energy distribution grid via the OpenData platform of the State of Berlin.