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Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm

Smart Meter Gateway Administration

Stromnetz Berlin has launched a highly secure IT platform as a certified Smart Meter Gateway Administrator for the introduction and management of smart metering systems in accordance with the German Smart Meters Operation Act (MsbG). This includes:

  • installation of complex, future-proof IT infrastructure,
  • integration into highly secure, legally compliant business processes,
  • expansion of our capabilities in IT and ICT,
  • certification of the information security management system in accordance with ISO 27001 and guideline TR03109-6 of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

Our service portfolio

As a certified Smart Meter Gateway Administrator, we provide smart metering systems and can operate and administrate these in accordance with legal requirements. We have already successfully tested the first smart metering systems in the field.

Thanks to our high-performance system, we make any obligatory roll-out a breeze. Our efficient IT solution meets the regulatory requirements of the obligatory roll-out and is future-proof. With our platform, we give you the opportunity to develop individual value-added solutions for your customers.

We draw on our experience as a network and metering point operator to actively assist in the development of all technology involved in smart metering systems in cooperation with manufacturers and associations. We are ready for roll-out.

Whether you are an energy company, municipal utility or network operator, we would be pleased to demonstrate our solution for working in partnership with a Business Process as a Service model (BPaaS model). We undertake all of the processes involved in Smart Meter Gateway Administration for you and create economic advantages through economies of scale.

Please contact us for a personal consultation.


Max Bernhardt

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