Feed-in management
Feed-in management for generation plants supports distribution system operators in balancing generation and consumption in their grid area. The distribution system operators play a key role in integrating energy from renewable sources.
Occasionally it becomes necessary to influence the electricity generation plants. Reasons for this can include bottlenecks in the local distribution grid or the upstream transmission grid, or a threat to the system's stability.

With feed-in management [Einspeisemanagement], as created and operated by Stromnetz Berlin GmbH,
- feed-in performance can be remotely altered and
- data on the respective as-is feed-in for each individual plant can be retrieved.
Feed-in management includes the following modules:
- Communication modem
- Control unit
- Measurement value converter
- Meters
Managing the feed-in
The transmission system operator establishes, for example, that more energy is being fed into the grid from generation plants than is being used by the connected consumers or is being transferred on to other grid areas. The grid frequency is increasing. The transmission system operator asks the distribution system operator to reduce generation activity in their grid area.
To do this, the distribution system operator sends a feed-in activity reduction signal to the feed-in management for the generation plants. The signal ensures that feed-in activity will be reduced. The reduction can be to values of 60 %, 30 % or 0 % and can take place in one or more stages. Feed-in management adjusts the generation plants to ensure that generation activity reduces to the signalled value.
The reduction is controlled, in that generation activity is measured with the measurement value converter and the meter. After the reduction has successfully taken place, the distribution system operator is informed about the feed-in management and will in turn provide feedback to the transmission system operator.
Signalling in the opposite direction occurs in the same way, such that feed-in performance for the generation plants is increased back to 100 %.
Publication of feed-in management measures
Under the Renewable Energies Act (EEG), Stromnetz Berlin is authorised to regulate feed-in producers and combined heat and power plants which are directly or indirectly connected to its network, if a bottleneck would otherwise be created in the relevant grid area. Furthermore, we are obliged to provide information on the regulations to those affected by feed-in management measures.
The following sets out the anticipated, current and completed feed-in management measures taken by Stromnetz Berlin:
Anticipated feed-in management measures
- none
Current feed-in management measures
- none
Completed feed-in management measures
- none