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Publication under Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichten-gesetz - LkSG)

The aim of the law is to ensure and implement corporate due diligence obligations to prevent human rights violations in supply chains.

The LkSG provides for publication obligations, which we make available below.

Policy statement on the human rights strategy

For us and the management of Stromnetz Berlin, our commitment to human rights and nature is a self-evident obligation.

We are committed to lawful and value-oriented action within our own company and towards our business partners and customers. This sense of responsibility includes the human rights and environmental due diligence obligations of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (hereinafter "LkSG"). Our aim is to prevent human rights and environmental risks, minimize them or put an end to violations of these obligations.
In doing so, we not only place high demands on ourselves, but also require our suppliers to act with integrity and responsibility.

Policy statement on the human rights strategy

Rules of procedure for complaints in the event of violations of the LkSG

All downloads in German language only.

Reporting channels in accordance with the rules of procedure

Complaints regarding violations of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) can be submitted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure to

  1. Chief Compliance Officer or
  2. Legal Ombudsperson

can be reported.


Catharina Michalek

Chief Comliance Officer

Ombudsperson Stromnetz Berlin GmbH

FS-PP Berlin Part mbB
   Dr. Rainer Frank 
   Sophia Hofmeister

Potsdamer Platz 8
10117 Berlin
Confidential telephone: 030 318685933

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG)

in German language only