Settling a compensation claim
If you have suffered damage due to a fault in our distribution grid, building works or an alleged malfunction on our part or by one of our service providers, you can contact us for clarification.
We will deal with your request and get back to you as soon as possible.

Information required to process the claim
The reason for the compensation claim can be a fault and/or interruption in the energy supply, building work commissioned by us or misbehaviour on the part of one of our staff or staff of one of our service providers.
Compensation claims cannot be awarded for interruptions in the energy supply (disconnection) due to an instruction from your energy supplier. Your energy supplier has waived our liability for this type of interruption to the energy supply. Should you have this type of claim, please contact your energy supplier for clarification.
Please tell us the event that you believe is the cause of the damage and the time that it began. We also require a list of which items were damaged. In this list, please tell us the value of the object and the date on which you acquired it. If possible, please provide proof of the purchase with a receipt.
Clarification process
Your compensation claim will be checked using your description of the situation. In doing this, we will consider and apply the relevant rules of law. These include, in particular
- The Federal Civil Code [Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch (BGB)],
- The Low Voltage Connection Ordinance [Niederspannungsanschlussverordnung (NAV)]
- and, by exception, the Product Liability Act [Produkthaftungsgesetz (ProdHaftG)].
A prerequisite for liability is a contribution to causation (intent or negligence/gross negligence in the case of financial losses) by an employee, persons involved in performing an obligation and/or vicarious agents.
If the damage occurred due to an unforeseeable and inevitable malfunction in some technical equipment on the energy distribution grid, the prerequisites for liability and, by extension, for compensation, are generally not met.
We will notify you of the results of our review in writing.
Determining the compensation amount
The compensation amount will be decided using the current value of the object. To decide this we will use both the receipts that you provided and the depreciation tables for the period of use of goods and objects provided by the Federal Ministry for Finance. There shall be no "new for old" replacement.
If the applicable rule of law for the liability results in an uninsured percentage (e.g. under Section 11 ProdHaftG), this will be taken into account when calculating the possible compensation amount.
Laws and ordinances
Federal Civil Code [Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB)]
Low voltage connection ordinance [Niederspannungsanschlussverordnung (NAV)]
Product Liability Act [Produkthaftungsgesetz (ProdHaftG)]
All downloads in German language only.