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Sustainability in the network, in thought and action

Stromnetz Berlin is the backbone of the energy transition in Berlin. Together, we are working on continuously improving our sustainability and becoming carbon neutral.

We take responsibility: our sustainability mission statement

As a distribution network operator, our core task is to supply our customers with a reliable source of electricity. In doing so, we make a positive contribution to securing their livelihoods and to improving sustainability in Berlin. By connecting and distributing renewable energy via our network, we have a significant impact on the energy transition in the capital. This is why we are constantly expanding our network.

On top of this, we take our responsibility for social issues and the effects of our work on the environment very seriously.

Photo: eyetronic | Adobe Stock

We have adopted a mission statement defining the sustainable orientation of our company.

As a reliable, service-oriented network operator, we ensure a stable electricity supply to our customers. Through innovation and cooperation, we support the energy transition and actively promote environmental and social responsibility and climate protection along our entire value chain. As a municipal company, we are rooted in the Berlin region and promote integrated, appreciative interpersonal relationships, something that is reflected in our social engagement.

Four fields of action for sustainability

In our transformation towards sustainability, we focus on the following four fields of action:

  • the energy transition and customer-orientation
  • environmental and climate protectiontz
  • collaboration
  • responsible corporate governance 

We apply all four principles in all our activities. The results of our sustainable activity are thus made as concrete and tangible as possible.

vThrough our actions, we make a contribution to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Quality education (Goal 4)
  • Gender equality (Goal 5)
  • Affordable and clean energy (Goal 7)
  • Decent work and economic growth (Goal 8)
  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure (Goal 9)
  • Responsible consumption and production (Goal 12)
  • Climate action (Goal 13)

We have described how we approach, embed and implement the topic of sustainability at our company in detail in our first-ever German Sustainability Code report for 2023 ausführlich beschrieben.

Strategy and sustainability management

Wie gehen wir bei unserer Transformation vor?

The energy transition and customer-orientation

What we do for a
carbon-neutral Berlin

Environmental and climate protection

Our path towards being a carbon-neutral network operator

Working together

We peioritise safety, development and diversity


How we implement
corporate resposnibilty