Has your connection or meter been disconnected?
Has your meter been disconnected, meaning that you are currently receiving no electricity at your withdrawal point?
New apartment
You have moved into a new apartment and discovered that the meter is disconnected, meaning that you have no electricity.
Please contact your new energy supplier. Your new energy supplier needs to register the grid usage for you and/or your new apartment with us.
After receiving the information from your energy supplier we will promptly agree an on-site appointment with you at which we will reconnect you. You or a representative will need to be present for this. The reconnection can only take place when someone with access to the apartment is available.
Your energy supplier requested the disconnection
We have disconnected your meter or your electricity connection and/or interrupted the connection usage at the request of your energy supplier.
Please contact your energy supplier to find out the reason for the disconnection and to get reconnected. We will not know the specific reason for the disconnection, but your energy supplier will have credibly assured us that they are authorised to request the interruption, as you have a contract with them, and that at least one prerequisite for an interruption is present. A prerequisite could, for example, be an outstanding debt for energy supply.
Please direct any objections to the disconnection and/or interruption to your energy supplier only.