To ensure consistent improvement, we have already introduced a variety of quality assurance systems and are currently preparing to certify some other systems.
All systems share an obligation to set targets and an annual check of continued improvement, carried out by independent certifiers.
The adherence to statutory and official requirements are naturally for us.
We represent safe and reliable electricity provision, ensuring that our customers can rely on us and that all their needs are met to the best possible standard where electricity is concerned.
Quality management system (DIN EN ISO 9001)
We have developed strategies and concepts for the safe operation of the grid and have plans for maintenance, renewal and development of the technical operating equipment in the distribution grid for securing an uninterruptible grid operation.
Satisfied users
It is very important to us to show our customers that meeting their expectation of a secure energy supply is a priority for us. Our business processes and quality management system are oriented towards this.
Our distribution grid enables all customers to receive an efficient energy supply and is available to all users to the same degree, regardless of which energy supplier they have chosen. As a grid operator aware of our responsibilities, we adhere to the requirements of the new Energy Industry Act and ensure profitable operations whilst guaranteeing the high quality of supply that customers are used to.
Environmental protection management (DIN EN ISO 14001)
As operator of an important infrastructure with long tradition we have a high interest on a clean environment and a healthy nature. The protection of the environment and the conservation of nature are essential acting orders for us. Our aim is a sustainable and prescient protection of environment and resources.
We work towards that environmental protection also be considered of our service providers and suppliers. With education of our employees and service providers we support the avoidance of events caused damages of the environment.
Information security management (ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27019, IT-Sicherheitskatalog, BSI TR-03109-6)
To ensure a secure network operation and the most fail-safe availability of our distribution grid, it is necessary to protect the necessary information and communication channels from unauthorized access. The Federal Government attaches great importance to the adequate protection of ICT systems. The Energy Industry Act (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz - EnWG) and the IT security catalog of the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur - BNetzA) form the legal and regulatory framework and describe the measures to be implemented by the distribution system operator.
We are a certified smart meter gateway administrator for the operation of measuring points, in accordance with the technical guideline TR03109-6 of the Federal Office for Security and Information Technology (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik - BSI). A certified smart meter gateway administrator is authorized to configure intelligent metering systems, to monitor technical operation and to administer the keys and certificates of the intelligent metering systems. Communication between authorized external market participants, such as suppliers or network operators, and the intelligent measuring system may only take place on the basis of the digital certificates. We take on the role of intermediary and service provider in the central role of the smart meter gateway administrator.
Information security guidelines
In German language only.
Safety and health at work (DIN ISO 45001)
We are convinced that injuries and work-related illnesses can be prevented. To this end, it is necessary to create safe working conditions for all employees in interesting fields of activity.
We are committed to ensuring the safety, health and well-being of everyone who works for us, with us or on our behalf. For this reason, we have been living an occupational safety and health management system for many years.
We have our commitment and the effectiveness of the management system audited annually by independent certifiers and use these results for continuous improvements.
Corporate Health Management
We pursue the goal of “no work-related illnesses among our employees”.
We conduct regular training courses, pay attention to high quality and constant further development and are actively involved in dialog with our employees on the topics of health protection.
In 2019, our corporate health management was awarded the “German Corporate Health Seal” certificate by the BKK umbrella association in gold.
Energy management (DIN EN ISO 50001)
We are committed to reducing energy consumption in the long term and subjecting energy efficiency to a continuous improvement process. The protection of the environment and the efficient use of energy are essential principles of action. Acting responsibly and doing business sustainably mean more than just complying with laws. We are actively committed to the protection of our resources and, in a forward-looking manner, include energy requirements in decisions about the procurement of systems and equipment.
Asset Management System (DIN ISO 55001)
Our company owns multiple different operating assets such as sites and buildings, substations, protective and control technology, transformers and cables – collectively described as assets.
The standard provides a balance between the competing goals of operational asset quality and profitability, which benefits all customers who use the grid. The particular challenge and responsibility lies in both the amount of assets to be managed and the long-term impact of decisions.
Our asset management system depicts the entire "lifecycle" of the operational asset being used. We design the construction, operation, maintenance and expansion of our assets as effectively and cost-consciously as we do their dismantling at the end of their useful life. After systematic analysis of the load and feed situation, the grid structure is altered to adapt to anticipated future supply demands. The integration of new loads, such as major commercial customers, are taken into account here along with the management and coordination of decentralised generation plants and energy storage plants.