In dialogue with citizens
Intensive exchange relating to planned projects is now an essential part of our everyday life. Citizen dialogue offers a platform for dialogue to take place between us and the general public.

During large-scale projects, interested citizens and the relevant members of the project team can come together in various meeting formats. We will provide residents with information on the projects in various forms. These include:
- signs at the construction site,
- providing brochures,
- information on our website and other Berlin pages,
- on-site events for specific target groups, and,
- in special large-scale projects, setting up local project advisory councils.
The local project advisory councils are linked specifically to a construction project. Using this participatory approach, residents from the project region and employees of Stromnetz Berlin come together to discuss questions of mutual interest.
If you have questions about specific projects or sites already being worked on, please do get in touch with us.
Yvonne Post
Consultant Citizen Dialogue
T 030 49202 0294
(Customer contact, Mo-Fr, 8am -5pm)
Principles of citizen dialogue
We have set clear principles on how to carry out citizen dialogue. Dialogue should establish reliability, trust and the greatest possible level of transparency, while taking place as early on as is feasible. Our goal is to use dialogue formats to reach out to every citizen. As far as possible, information about our projects is prepared in a manner suitable for each target group, made easy to get to grips with and communicated on an equal footing.
Project advisory councils as a participatory effort
To implement the energy transition successfully in Berlin, we consult local citizens. We are particularly keen on establishing trustful dialogue with people from local neighbourhoods within our project regions. In our experience, local residents have a lot of detailed knowledge.
We plan to set up project advisory councils through which topics and questions relating to particular projects can be dealt with in collaboration with our representatives. The membership of a project advisory council should include private citizens from the local neighbourhood and representatives of civil society initiatives in local areas within the project region.
Current project advisory councils
At present, we have no project advisory councils in place for any construction project. As soon as we put one together for a construction project, we will announce it here.
Project platform of the State of Berlin
You can get information on other projects in your district on the State of Berlin's platform, There, you can find further information and opportunities to participate. We also publish our projects in the various districts (Bezirke) there.