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Head of Management of Stromnetz Berlin GmbH

Dr. Erik Landeck

Picture of Dr. Erik Landeck

Manager of Stromnetz Berlin GmbH

Bernhard Büllmann

Picture of Bernhard Büllmann

Member of the Supervisory Board at Stromnetz Berlin GmbH

The Supervisory Board is composed of 16 members.

Dr. Severin Fischer
Chairmann of Supervisory board
State Secretary, Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises
Thomas Verhoeven
Vice-chairman of Supervisory Board, Works Council Chairman, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH 
Stephan Boy
Executive, BEN Berlin Energie und Netzholding GmbH
Alexander Goebel
Exempted works council member, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH 
Dr. Arwen Colell
Executive, decarbon1ze
Swetlana Jung
Project manager, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jutta Hanson
Professor and Head of the Department of Electrical Energy Supply using Renewable Energies, TU Darmstadt
Andrea Kühnemann
Head of district, ver.di district Berlin-Brandenburg 
Philipp Heilmaier
Head of the Department Future of Energy Supply, Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena)
Ellen Naumann
Trade union secretary section energy, water, waste management, ver.di district Berlin-Brandenburg

Lars Loebner
Director Unit 'Housing Projects - Outer City', Senate Departement for Urban Development, Building and Housing of Berlin

Uwe Nolte
Exempted works council member, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH

Anja Naujokat
Director Department I - Property and Holding, Senate Department Finances of Berlin

Arne Pfau
Technician with special tasks, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH

Klaus Wichert
Director Department Climate protection, Nature protection and Urban parks – III AbtL, Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and Environment of Berlin

Steffen Voth
Head of medium and low-voltage grid, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH