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Compensation entitlement pursuant to combined heat and power systems act (Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungs-Gesetz - KWKG)

The aim of the KWKG is to contribute to reducing annual carbon dioxide emissions. To achieve this goal, combined heat and power systems (CHP systems) will be modernised and protected temporarily, the electricity generation through small CHP systems will be developed and fuel cells will be launched so as to save energy.

Remuneration and fees for systems according to the KWKG

For systems that are subject to the KWKG, remuneration is based on their performance and the year of commissioning. The new construction and modernization of CHP systems are funded.

Feed-in contract

The feed-in contract is concluded between the operator of the CHP plant and us. It forms the basis for feeding the electrical energy generated by your system into the distribution network and regulates the amount of your remuneration. The feed-in contract is drawn up after the CHP plant has been commissioned.

The contractual arrangement consists of the following parts of the contract:

Registering KWKG assets to the market master data register of the Federal Network Agency

Asset operators must include the following information in the market master data register:

  1. Information about the asset operator,
  2. The asset's location,
  3. The energy source used to generate the electricity,
  4. The installed capacity of the asset,
  5. Information on whether a financial subsidy is to be claimed for the energy generated in the asset.

The obligation to register also applies if the capacity for existing KWKG assets changes.

Please send us a copy of the declaration of registration for the system and a written declaration that you have sent the registration to the Federal Network Agency as proof of registration of your KWKG system with the Federal Network Agency.

Invoicing the fed-in electricity

Once the feed-in agreement has been concluded, the fed-in electricity is invoiced pursuant to the contractual stipulations.

We provide the following standard feed-in profiles for operators of small CHP systems that do not have counters for registering output.

Questions and answers

What is a Combined Heat and Power plant (CHP plant)?

In a CHP plant, mechanical energy (power) and thermal energy (heat) are generated using a combustion engine. The mechanical energy is transformed into electrical energy using a generator. The simultaneous generation and use of power and heat (combination) achieves greater effectiveness compared to separate generation.

What is a Thermal Power Station?

In a CHP plant, mechanical energy (power) and thermal energy (heat) are generated using a combustion engine. The mechanical energy is transformed into electrical energy using a generator. The simultaneous generation and use of power and heat (combination) achieves greater effectiveness compared to separate generation.

What support programmes exist for CHP plants?

There are various incentives, depending on the primary energy sources. Your grid operator is responsible for paying out under the Combined Heat and Power Act or the Renewable Energies Act.

We will be happy to advise you in this regard. You can find further information on CHP plants, as per the Renewable Energies Act, in our information on the Renewable Energies Act on the Renewable Energies page.

How long does it take to process a connection application from a generation plant?

For plants up to 30 kW, five working days should generally be allowed for a response. During this time, the customer will receive an offer and/or confirmation of receipt of their query. This relies on all the requisite documents having been submitted.

Who should make the application to the grid operator to connect a generation plant?

The application can be made by the operator of the plant, but is generally made by its constructor.

Is an existing grid connection always used as a feed-in point?

There is a routine check to determine whether the plant can be incorporated into the relevant grid using an existing connection. If the network compatibility check shows that the energy can be fed in at the existing connection, the plant operator will be notified. There are also checks to determine the conditions for accepting the energy into the distribution grid before a corresponding offer is made.

When will I receive payment?

After the CHP plant has begun to operate in line with the CHP Plant Act, the feeder will submit the following documents to the grid operator:

  • Operation initiation protocol signed by the plant's operator and constructor.
  • Customer information leaflet (containing the plant operator's details)
  • Proof of registration with the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA)).

After all documents have been received, a feed-in agreement is drawn up and sent to the operator. After the agreement has been signed, payments will commence.

How much will I be paid?

Remuneration for the CHP plant under the CHP Plant Act is determined according to when operations are launched and plant performance. The remuneration terms in the CHP Plant Act valid at the time of the initiation of operations are used in the calculation.

Will I incur charges for meter replacement etc.?

Stromnetz Berlin GmbH covers the cost of meter replacement. The plant operator covers the cost of any electrical installation work required. Furthermore, the operator bears the cost of measurement, running the measurement point and calculation. You can find the prices on our price sheet.


Prevented grid fees (vNE)

The calculation of prevented grid fees has to be made according to § 35 Abs. 2 EEG according to the regulations of § 18 Abs. 2 and 3 StromNEV. For its application reference is made to the VDN calculation guide to § 18 StromNEV dated 03.03.2007.

Reference prices for determination of prevented grid fees

YearVoltage level
High voltageMedium voltageLow voltage
Scaling factor
Share factor
Scaling factor
Share factor
Scaling factor
Share factor

Scaling factor svNE and share factor avNE calculated according to VDN Calculation Guideline § 18 StromNEV.

The scaling and share factor values will be published each June of the following year.

All downloads are available in German language only.


The distribution system operator Stromnetz Berlin GmbH operated under the name “Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH” until April 1st, 2013 and was part of the Vattenfall Group until June 30th, 2021. Some of the files published here were created before the day of the change of name and are still available with the company name valid at the time of creation due to the legal publication obligations. Some of the files published in the period from April 2nd, 2013 to June 30th, 2021 contain a reference to the Vattenfall Group.

Registering CHP assets

To register CHP assets with the Federal Network Agency


Information feed-in

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