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Compliance program

To maintain and protect the integrity and compliance of the company, employees and contractual partners, we have a compliance program with an organizational framework for compliance.

Report hints and advice

We encourage all employees, consultants, contractors and external stakeholders to report any observed or suspected violation of a law or the code of conduct, the compliance program of the Stromnetz Berlin GmbH and an internal regulation. The reports can be made in various ways and anonymized if desired.

The information is treated with the utmost confidentiality. It is ensured that the interests of the whistleblower and the affected area are protected.

Chief Compliance Officer

The Chief Compliance Officer is a direct staff position of the management and is the contact person for all compliance matters of the Stromnetz BerlinGmbH and responsible for advising the management, employees, consultants, contractors and external stakeholders.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Chief Compliance Officer if you have any questions or if you want to send us a message.


Catharina Michalek

Chief Compliance Officer


Information can also be reported to the Stromnetz Berlin GmbH's independent ombudsman. The ombudsman is an external law firm with trusted lawyers who take on the duties of ombudspersons. The ombudspersons treat information received as strictly confidential in accordance with the legal obligation to maintain secrecy. At the request of the whistleblower, the information will be forwarded anonymously to the Chief Compliance Officer.

Contact Ombudsman Stromnetz Berlin GmbH

FS-PP Berlin Part mbB
   Dr. David Albrecht
   Sophia Hofmeister
Potsdamer Platz 8
10117 Berlin

Confidential telephone: +49 30 318685933

Complaints from customers

The compliance program of the Stromnetz Berlin GmbH does not include the receipt of information and complaints from customers. Please use our complaint form for this.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct for Suppliers (contractual partners who provide services for Stromnetz Berlin GmbH, regardless of the type of service) sets out the requirements and expectations that we have of our suppliers. These include basic principles for lawful, responsible and ethically correct action, taking into account the requirements of the German Supply Chain Duty of Care Act (LkSG).

Publication under Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG)