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In Germany, the energy revolution refers to fundamental changes to the structure of electricity generation. There are fewer and fewer large power plants and a continual increase in electricity generated from renewable sources, which provide electricity dependent on the weather and time of day. In the short term, this gives rise to additional requirements, e.g. due to the expansion of electromobility. Our energy system is changing quickly and we believe that we can best conquer these challenges together. This is why we are actively collaborating with partners from the energy sector and helping to shape the energy revolution for our customers.

Masterplan Solarcity Berlin

Berlin should be climate neutral by 2050. To achieve this goal, the first expert council for the Solarcity master plan met in 2018. In order to achieve climate neutrality, energy production from renewable energies in Berlin must be significantly expanded. 25 percent of the electricity is to be generated from solar energy in the future.

SolarCity Berlin Partner logo featuring bold yellow letters on a black background.

The partnership network for the Solarcity master plan was founded in August 2021 and we are participating as an initial partner! Companies operating in Berlin have joined forces in the network and are supporting and promoting the expansion of solar energy.

All partners are planning and implementing projects and are committed to helping to make Berlin a solar city. Further information on the network and the Berlin solar revolution can be found on the website

InfraLab Berlin

Since 2010 we are working together with five large infrastructure companies of Berlin on the long-term co-working & co-creation project „InfraLab Berlin“ Berlin’s district Schöneberg.

A teal square with the words "Infra Lab Berlin." The text is white and divided into three sections: "INFRA" on top, "LAB" in the middle, and "BERLIN" at the bottom.

The InfaLab is an innovation workshop, which provides space for thougth experiments, commutation and idea creations. Advancement of visionary ideas for a sustainable Berlin and superior quality of life for Berliner residents is the goal. Stromnetz Berlin and the infrastructure operators Berliner Stadtreinigung, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe, Berliner Wasserwerke, GASAG, Netzgesellschaft Berlin Brandenburg NBB, Veolia and BEW collaborates with politics, industry and science on common projects.

Further Information: InfraLab Berlin

DSO 2.0 – Tomorrow's distribution system operator

Distribution grids play a particular role in the integration of renewable energies and will meet several new customer requirements in the future. Against a background of these developments, distribution system operators' responsibilities continue to increase. The energy revolution requires intensive cooperation between transmission system operators, which ensure electricity is transported over long distances, and distribution system operators, which guarantee the reliable supply of electricity locally. Furthermore, new information sharing requirements must be managed together, through digitalisation and with smart grid solutions. We are actively supporting the development of solutions for tomorrow's distribution grid.

Further information: website


The ARGE FNB OST was established by eastern Germany's system operators in 2012. At present, the partnership includes Avacon Netz GmbH, E.DIS Netz GmbH, ENSO NETZ GmbH, Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft Strom GmbH, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH, Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH, Netze Magdeburg GmbH, TEN Thüringer Energienetze GmbH & Co. KG and WEMAG Netz GmbH. Along with the transmission system operator 50Hertz Transmission GmbH, the participating system operators aim to facilitate the energy revolution, based on efficient grid expansion, and to work together to develop solutions for a secure energy supply going forward. We are supporting this through joint pilot projects.

You will find further information about the projects of the ARGE FNB OST on the website

As early as 2014, we agreed on a joint 10-point programme. There is now a report by ARGE FNB OST containing specific suggested solutions to develop grid management in line with the new requirements, share information efficiently, make best use of the opportunities presented by digitalisation and work together to improve the outlook.

We ensure that our network continues to be crisis-proof and even more flexible. In this way, we make a significant contribution to the energy transition, promote electromobility and the integration of environmentally friendly decentralized energies, thus supporting Berlin on the road to climate neutrality.

All downloads are available in German language only.


Electricity storage systems are a very important component of the energy transition in order to balance out the naturally volatile feed-in of renewable energies such as wind and photovoltaics. The batteries of electric vehicles could be used for various applications, e.g. redispatch measures to ensure grid stability.

BI-FORCCS logo with arrows pointing in opposite directions between "BI" in orange and "FORCCS" in dark blue.

In the BI-CCS project, various issues relating to bidirectional charging are being investigated together with project partners, including VW and Hager Group, under the scientific leadership of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. In the project, we are responsible for programming and sending signals for the intelligent control of the batteries.

Further information: Website network BI-CCS