Publication in accordance with the Incentive Regulation Ordinance (ARegV)
The amendment to the Incentive Regulation Ordinance (ARegV) in 2016 modified § 31 ARegV, which sets out the publication requirements of network regulators.
The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) is the network regulator responsible for Stromnetz Berlin GmbH. The extension to the publications is intended to make the process and the results of the incentive regulation more transparent. It is now possible, for example, to view the value of the revenue ceilings of individual network operators for the calendar year.
The Federal Network Agency publishes data about the network operator on its website. The table "2017 electricity and network operator data sheet" is set out under the heading 'Transparency in Grid Tarification'.
- The data of individual network operators to be published in accordance with § 31 ARegV is listed in the first spreadsheet.
- The second spreadsheet contains explanations of the data fields used in the first spreadsheet.
Our data is also included in this table. Stromnetz Berlin has the company number 10001834, which is stated in the first column. The table columns are organised according to the numbers of § 31 ARegV.