On the path towards carbon-neutrality
Environmental and climate protection are core tasks for every company – especially for state-owned companies. We are reducing our energy consumption and focusing on climate-friendly e-mobility.
Berlin's climate targets are also our climate targets
Germany has set itself the goal of being carbon-neutral by 2045 at the latest. The state of Berlin is pursuing this goal and has underpinned it with interim targets, among other things: For example, CO2 emissions in the capital are to be reduced by 70% by 2030 compared to the base year 1990. As a state-owned company, we feel particularly committed to these targets.
To reduce our energy consumption and our carbon emissions, we have implemented several actions:
We save energy wherever we can
In order to use the energy we consume as efficiently as possible, we regularly determine the energy consumption of our plant and office buildings and implement energy-saving measures. To ensure that this process is systematic, we have introduced a certified energy management system.
Mit Grünstrom senken wir unsere CO2-Emissionen
Für unsere Betriebsgebäude, Umspannwerke und Netzknoten beziehen wir seit dem Jahr 2022 Grünstrom. Dadurch konnten wir unsere CO2-Emissionen um ca. 10.000 Tonnen pro Jahr senken.
Climate-friendly fleet
It's quite obvious that the fleet of an electricity grid operator should consist of e-vehicles. In recent years, we have largely converted our cars to environmentally friendly drive systems.
We have also installed charging infrastructure for our e-vehicles at almost all of our locations. We are so proud of some of these systems that we are happy to demonstrate them to our customers, for example during special guided tours at our Treptow-Köpenick site.
Use of public transport and bicycles
Of course, we make sure that we only travel as many kilometers by car as is absolutely necessary. After all, the best kilowatt hour for the climate still is the one that is not consumed in the first place. That's why Stromnetz Berlin also supports its employees with a subsidy for public transport or the Deutschlandticket (job ticket) and with job bike offers.
Flowers and bees for biodiversity
Berlin is a green city. We want to contribute to this by planting flowering meadows at suitable company locations. These meadows offer insects protection and serve as a source of food. A first flowering meadow has already been planted in Treptow-Köpenick in 2023. Further locations are being planned.
Berlin is also a city of bees. At 17 of our locations throughout the city, we provide a place for bee colonies to live largely undisturbed and are looked after by local beekeepers.
We're getting serious: climate protection concept 2024
In the course of 2024, we will present a climate protection concept that will include a binding climate neutrality target and various other measures to further reduce our emissions and energy consumption.