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Citizens Council


From May 2022 until December 2025 meets the Citizens Council of Stromnetz Berlin. The council advises us in themes of grid operation.

A group of nineteen people standing on a red-carpeted staircase, posing for a group photo.

Council members 2022 - 2025

We operate the electricity distribution network to supply the German capital with electrical energy. As a company of the State of Berlin, we want to be a citizen-oriented and reliable infrastructure partner, continuously improve our services and align them with the needs of Berliners. The best way to do this is through a trusting dialogue with citizens.

193 Berliners from all districts have applied for the Citizens’ Council, which has been active since May 2022. 24 people were selected - 12 women, 11 men and one non-binary person - from different generations, who will contribute their experiences and perspectives in the future.

On May 11, 2022, the constituent meeting of the Citizens' Council took place in the Red City Hall. More information on the content of the meeting can be found in the minutes provided below.

Other members:

Irene Adamski
Stefan Butt
Johannes Heidner

Acceleration of approval processes

The Citizens' Council has worked with us to develop recommendations for the clarification and implementation of construction measures on public roads.

Diagram of approval processes

In German language only.

Questions and answers on the citizens' council

What are the tasks of the Citizens' Council?

The Citizens' Council represents the interests of Berliners and brings suggestions and criticism to Stromnetz Berlin. The Citizens' Council independently determines its agenda for network operation issues and, at its own discretion, takes into account suggestions for topics from individual citizens, initiatives, organizations and Stromnetz Berlin.

Who can apply?

Anyone who has a place of residence in Berlin can apply for membership of the Citizens’ Council. Persons over the age of 16 can apply, but if they are not of legal age only with the consent of their legal guardians.

In addition to individuals, representatives of organizations can also apply.

Who can not be considered?

Applications from employees and other committee members of Stromnetz Berlin cannot be considered. Other function-related potential conflicts of interest (e.g. in the case of elected representatives) can also lead to exclusion.

How many people should the council consist of?

Our Citizens' Council consist of 24 members.

How is the selection made?

12 members are chosen by lot from the valid applications received, one member per Berlin district.

12 members are selected on the basis of their application documents by Stromnetz Berlin with the aim of filling the Citizens' Council as diversely and representatively as possible.

In addition, there is a follow-up list with one person per district (12 in total).

The successor list is determined 100% by lottery.

How often does the council meet?

The Citizens' Council meets for a period of four years and meets three times a year.

In addition, members can meet to conduct working groups.

Do the members of the Citizens' Council receive an expense allowance?

Each member receives an expense allowance of 50 euros per regular meeting from Stromnetz Berlin for travel expenses, childcare and other expenses in connection with the work of the council.

For active participation in working groups, an additional allowance of 50 euros per person and year will be reimbursed.

How can I find out more about the work of the Citizens' Council?

The work of the citizens' council will be transparently documented on this page.


Jörg Steinert

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