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Think outside the box!


Registration for school classes now open for 2022

Anyone can do grey – but junction box styling brings a dash of colour to the city. The 13th season of this popular school project, in which children and young people decorate  Stromnetz Berlin's junction boxes and transformer stations with colourful designs, has been  running since April. Around 500 boxes are restyled in different neighbourhoods every year –producing spectacular results.

Thanks to junction box styling, just under 4,500 of the 16,000 boxes in the Berlin metropolitan area have been given colourful new designs over the past few years. 
There are only a few places available for 2022: Apply now by 10.10.2021.
The project is aimed at pupils in year 5 and above. Each class designs junction boxes in their neighbourhood as part of a week-long project. The week starts with the pupils creating designs. Then, under the guidance of experienced  street artists and teachers, they will create templates and learn and try out freehand spray-painting techniques. The crowning moment of the week comes when they apply what they have learned to junction boxes and transformer stations near their school. Spaces are limited and participating schools are notified by the end of the year at the latest. The selected classes will then be able to apply their artistic skills between March / April and October/ November 2022.

For 2022 applications for school classes now open until 10. October 2021 
Stromkastenstyling 2022“.

Stromnetz Berlin's "junction box styling" school project is run in collaboration with meredo e.V. and Helliwood media & education im fjs e.V.