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"Junction box styling" school project

Berlin's children and young people design junction boxes and grid stations in their area.

We have been holding the junction box styling school project since 2009 under the slogan "grey was yesterday". Classes can let their creativity run wild on junction boxes in their neighbourhood. Our partners in the project are meredo e.V. and Helliwood media & education im fjs e.V.

The project is aimed at pupils in year 5 and above. Each class designs junction boxes in their neighbourhood as a week-long project. The selected applications will then be able to apply their artistic skills between April and October.

What is a junction box?

A junction box, also known as a cable distribution cabinet, distributes energy to multiple domestic connections. It is the interface between the grid stations and households. In Berlin there are around 16,000 junction boxes, which distribute energy to 2.3 million households.


Since 2013, any participating school has been able to enter its best junction box into a competition. This is how we reward the children and young people's engagement. The prize for the best junction box is awarded by a jury in the two categories and for transformer stations.

In addition, we award a public prize every year. This is voted for via our website. The prizes for the best junction boxes are awarded at an invitation-only celebratory prize giving ceremony.

Junction box styling 2025

Junction box styling 2024

Junction box styling 2022

Junction box styling 2023

Impressions of the awards show 2021



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