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An opportunity for young artists: There are still places left on the junction box styling project!


School classes in the city region that would like to take part in the "junction box styling" community project organised by Stromnetz Berlin GmbH and meredo e.V. can still apply for a place.

School classes in the city region that would like to take part in the "junction box styling" community project organised by Stromnetz Berlin GmbH and meredo e.V. can still apply for a place. The junction-box painting event, which will take place between April and October 2015, still has room for seven classes left.

Applications can be sent to, and must be received before 4 July 2014.

The project is aimed at pupils in year 5 or above. During the week-long project week, every class will redesign 15 junction boxes in their local area. At the start of the project week, pupils begin by developing designs on the topic "environment, the future and electricity". Then, under the guidance of experienced street artists and teachers, the groups create templates and learn spray-painting techniques. The crowning moment of the week comes when the schoolchildren put everything they have learnt into practice, as they brighten up junction boxes near their school.

Besides a huge amount of fun, this project also offers the chance to win great prizes: Every year, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH – which owns the city's 16,000 or so junction boxes – picks out the best designed junction boxes, a tradition that started in 2013.