Successful certification for ISMS operated by Stromnetz Berlin GmbH
Stromnetz Berlin GmbH is one of the first distribution network operators in Germany to arrange for the certification of the information security management system (ISMS) and the security catalogue for the "secure network operation" area of application as required by the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).
Stromnetz Berlin GmbH is one of the first distribution network operators in Germany to arrange for the certification of the information security management system (ISMS) and the security catalogue for the "secure network operation" area of application as required by the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).
Increasing digitisation in the energy sector is leading to a greater focus on the importance of information security in the operation of electrical distribution networks. This certification proves that Stromnetz Berlin operates in accordance with the new standards prior to the mandatory ruling of BNetzA, which is set to enter into force on 31 January 2018.
Thomas Schäfer, Managing Director of Stromnetz Berlin, has the following to say regarding the successful certification process: "As the operator of the largest urban distribution network in Germany, it was extremely important for us to identify the ISMS requirements at an early stage and to meet the IT security requirements specified by BNetzA by means of certification in accordance with ISO 27001."
Thomas Schäfer, CEO of Stromnetz Berlin GmbH, und Dr. Renate Alijah, general manager of Kiwa International Cert GmbH, during the delivery of the certificate.
The certification was prepared in cooperation with the consultancy firm TTS Trusted Technologies and Solutions GmbH, and carried out by Kiwa International Cert GmbH. Kiwa confirmed that the requirements of the IT security catalogue drawn up by BNetzA dated August 2015 have been met for network control technology, protection technology, guidance and control systems and transmission technology in accordance with Section 11(1a) of the Energy Industry Act (Energiewirtschaftsgesetz) and ISO/IEC 27001:2013. The executive management of Stromnetz Berlin are responsible for the information security management system. Its effectiveness is verified at least once per year.