Outlook for 2018
Investment in Berlin's electricity grid to remain at a high level for the long-term
Investment in Berlin's electricity grid to remain at a high level for the long-term
EUR 188 million will be invested in Berlin's electricity distribution grid in 2018. This continues the high level of investment seen in the past few years. It was announced by Stromnetz Berlin GmbH at their annual press conference today. Investments are divided into three main areas: around EUR 45 million are due to be invested in "digitisation", EUR 43 million in the challenges resulting from the "growing city of Berlin" and around EUR 100 million in "maintenance and refurbishment" of the electricity grid.
Thomas Schäfer, CEO of Stromnetz Berlin, also announced that investment would continue to exceed the EUR 200 million mark in years to come. Investments totalling EUR 2.2 billion are planned for the next 10 years.
"Berlin wants to keep increasing its attractiveness as a place of economy and science, as well as a metropolis of culture and tourism. We want to contribute to this, with a modern grid and a secure, reliable and smart electricity supply. Among other things, Smart Grid now means smart metering to enable smart management, getting to grips with the challenges presented by the energy revolution and guaranteeing the stability and security of the networks. We are working on this and investing accordingly," confirms Thomas Schäfer.
Among the company's focal points for 2018, Schäfer mentioned altering and renovating the electricity grid in many districts, completing cable laying measures to incorporate Europacity and the new Sellerstraße substation into the grid, continuing work on the new Charlottenburg network node (roofing ceremony in spring) and procuring and starting to roll out a new network control centre system.
Furthermore, the smart meter roll-out will commence with delivery of the first smart metering systems, particularly to customers with high electricity consumption. Stromnetz Berlin will also support the growing number of tenant energy projects with their own energy generation and will guarantee their electricity supply in case electricity generation ceases or is insufficient. Berlin is currently setting standards nationally with 280 tenant energy projects.