Smart energy transition: WindNODE named a "Landmark in the Land of Ideas 2018"
The joint initiative "WindNODE – the Smart Energy Showcase from northeastern Germany" is among the winners of the "Landmark in the Land of Ideas" competition 2018. An independent jury selected WindNODE from almost 1,500 entries as one of 100 projects for the award. Within the energy transition project WindNODE, 70 partners from business, industry and science develop solutions for the smart energy system of tomorrow.
The joint initiative "WindNODE – the Smart Energy Showcase from northeastern Germany" is among the winners of the "Landmark in the Land of Ideas" competition 2018. An independent jury selected WindNODE from almost 1,500 entries as one of 100 projects for the award. Within the energy transition project WindNODE, 70 partners from business, industry and science develop solutions for the smart energy system of tomorrow.
The aim of the energy transition is to generate Germany's energy supply through wind and solar in the future. However, by their very nature, the amount of electricity that renewable energies generate fluctuates to a great extent depending on the weather and time of day – a considerable strain for electricity grids. A key issue for the success of the energy transition is therefore: how can renewable energy be used when it is available, and how can the times when it isn't be bridged?
Here's where the WindNODE project comes in: more than 70 partners develop joint solutions as part of 50 subprojects in the eastern Germany pilot region in order to achieve a balance between generation and consumption of renewable energy when an increasing amount of renewable energy is being generated. Today WindNODE was recognised as a "Landmark in the Land of Ideas" 2018 in Berlin for this contribution to the climate-neutral renewable energy system of tomorrow.
Markus Graebig, lead project manager for WindNODE, was delighted to accept the award togeth-er with Thomas Schäfer, CEO of Stromnetz Berlin: "In eastern Germany, more than half of our electrical energy is already generated from renewable sources. The energy future is already our present here – with all of the opportunities and challenges that brings. In the WindNODE real-life laboratory, we have the opportunity to develop and test model solutions which could also allow the energy transition to be successfully implemented elsewhere. Receiving the award as a "Landmark" is a wonderful acknowledgement of the commitment of our over 70 project partners."
The nationwide competition "Landmark in the Land of Ideas" awards ideas and projects which make Germany a beacon. The aim is to make innovations from Germany visible both nationally and internationally, and to boost the country's economic potential and sustainability.
To find out more about the competition, visit
About WindNODE:
WindNODE is a part of the "Smart Energy Showcase – Digital Agenda for Energy Reforms" (or SINTEG) funding programme from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. It spans the six former East German states including Berlin, operating under the umbrella supervi-sion of the regional heads of government of the participating federal states. In WindNODE, over 70 partners are working together for four years, from 2017 to 2020, on transferable model solu-tions for the smart energy system of the future. WindNODE shows a network of flexible energy users who can adjust their electricity consumption according to the fluctuating supply from wind and solar power plants. The aim is to integrate large amounts of renewable energy into the energy system while at the same time keeping electricity grids stable. 50Hertz Transmission is the coordinator of WindNODE and, alongside Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, Energy Saxony, Fraunhofer FOKUS, SIEMENS, Stromnetz Berlin and Brandenburg Invest (WFBB), one of the seven members of the steering committee of the joint initiative
To find out more, visit
Through the funding programme "Smart Energy Showcase – Digital Agenda for Energy Reforms" (SINTEG), the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) wants to show what the future of energy supply could look like. The idea behind SINTEG is to develop and showcase transferable model solutions for a secure, economical and sustainable energy supply where there is fluctuating electricity generation from renewable energies. Suitable solutions from the model regions are intended to serve as examples for broad implementation throughout Germany and beyond. Partners from the energy industry and the information and communications sector cooperate in the five showcase regions. Since 2017, more than 300 companies, research institutes, municipalities, districts and federal states have been working together on implementing the fu-ture vision of the energy transition.
To find out more, visit