Future-proofing the electrical grid: construction of a new, high-power 110 kV cable in south Berlin
Route requires tree felling
Stromnetz Berlin is working intensively to develop a future-proof electrical grid in Steglitz-Zehlendorf. Among other projects, a new, powerful 110 kV cable is to be laid between the Lichterfelde cogeneration plant and Kopernikus substation. The whole project should be finished by the end of the year. The planned route of the underground high-voltage cable will require trees to be felled in the Schwatlograben green space.
The existing planting in this area is very dense, meaning several stands of trees may be affected by the intervention. Thanks to expert assessments, the required felling has been reduced to the absolute minimum and approved by the Bezirksamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf. In this process, the effects of the intervention on the stability and future growth of the remaining trees was also evaluated. The tree felling will now take place in good time before the vegetative period and will last around 14 days. To prepare for and carry out these works, for safety reasons, the Schwatlograben has had to be completely closed to the public. Some of the trees could be felled after 1 March, the day from which the legal prohibition on felling and trimming between spring and autumn comes into force. These trees have been assessed as dead within the framework of the laws on species protection, meaning that permission has been given for felling despite the general prohibition in force. The measures will be carried out with the support of an ecological construction supervisor.
Based on a dendrological assessment, Stromnetz Berlin has committed itself to compensate for the trees that have to be felled. This compensation will be carried out by the Bezirksamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf which, once the construction is complete, will plant replacement trees that will increase the ecological value of the Schwatlograben.
In the period ahead of us, excavations will begin along the planned cable route through the Schwatlograben. To this end, the green space will need to remain closed until the planned date of August 2024.