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Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm

Moving in, moving out and changing supplier

There are a few things to consider when doing any of these things.

Record meter status

Please read the meter reading at the time of the start or end of delivery and inform us of the reading via our online portal.

Moving in

You have rented or bought a new flat or a new house. You now have to choose your desired electrical energy supplier and ask them to provide your supply. To request this, you must notify your energy provider of

  • your new address (postal address or withdrawal point),
  • the meter number on the withdrawal point and
  • when the supply should start.

When your chosen energy supplier receives the request, they will negotiate the grid usage with us. Once the grid usage has been confirmed, your energy supplier can start supplying you with electricity from the date that you selected.

On the date that the supply should start, please take a meter reading and inform us and your energy supplier of this. You can use our online portal to notify us of your meter status. The meter status is generally noted in the handover documents when an apartment changes hands.

We will notify your energy supplier of the meter status provided. If we do not receive a meter status from you, we will assume the meter status at the point when the previous user moved out as your 'moving-in status'.

It is best to choose your energy supplier well in advance, giving time to ensure that everything is in order by the time you move in. If you cannot arrange this in good time, you have the option of retroactive registration of up to six weeks.

If we deny grid usage, we will inform your energy supplier of the reasons for this refusal. Please clarify the situation with your energy supplier and work together to find a solution.

Moving out

You are moving out of your apartment or your house. Please inform your energy supplier that you are moving out well in advance, to give the energy supplier time to notify us that the grid usage will be coming to an end.

On the date that the supply should end, please take a meter reading and inform us and your energy supplier of this. You can use our online portal to notify us of your meter status. The meter status is generally noted in the handover documents when an apartment changes hands.

We will notify your energy supplier of the meter status provided. If we do not receive a meter status from you, we will calculate your 'moving-out status' based on your previous electricity consumption.

If you are moving house, please note the tips in the "Moving in" and "Moving out" sections. In the case of house moves, grid usage and energy supply for the previous apartment end (= moving out). A new energy supplier contract must be concluded for the new apartment and this signals the beginning of grid usage for the new apartment (= moving in). Changing to a new apartment in the same building also counts as moving house (moving out and moving in).

Changing supplier

You want to change your energy supplier. When doing so, please take into account any terms and conditions regarding contract duration and termination. Next, choose your desired supplier and apply to begin your electricity supply on your chosen date. To request an electricity supply, you should provide your energy supplier with

  • the address of the withdrawal point,
  • the meter number on the withdrawal point and
  • when the supply should start.

When your chosen energy supplier receives the request, they will negotiate the grid usage with us and the termination of your contract with your previous energy supplier. Alternatively, you can terminate your contract with your previous energy supplier yourself. Once the grid usage has been confirmed, your new energy supplier can start supplying you with electricity from the date that you selected

On the date that the supplier should change, please take a meter reading and inform us, your old energy supplier and your new energy supplier of this. You can use our online portal to notify us of your meter status. We will notify your old and new electricity suppliers of the meter reading that you provide. If we do not receive a meter status from you, we will use your previous electricity consumption to calculate the meter status at the end of your time with your old energy supplier.

If we deny grid usage, we will inform your new energy supplier of the reasons for this refusal. Please clarify the situation with your new energy supplier and work together to find a solution.

Base and replacement supply

If, when moving in or changing supplier, you do not choose a new energy supplier, you will be assigned automatically to the regional default supplier for base and replacement supply.

In our grid area, Vattenfall Europe Sales GmbH is the regional default supplier.

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