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Junction box styling 2016: There are still places left!


Since 2009, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH, the capital city's Distribution System Operator, has been organising the junction box styling school project under the slogan "grey was yesterday".

Since 2009, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH, the capital city's Distribution System Operator, has been organising the junction box styling school project under the slogan "grey was yesterday". Classes can let their creativity run wild on plain junction boxes in their neighbourhood.

There are still a few remaining places left for 2016, which offers 40 places in total. Any Berlin-based students from class 5 upwards interested in taking part - or even clubs with fixed groups - should submit their application before 20 July 2015.

About the competitionsWilhelmstr.





Wilhelmstr. (Junction box styling 2013)

The project is always held over one week between April and October. During the junction box styling competition, Stromnetz Berlin works in close collaboration with two media skills centres, meredo e.V. and helliwood media & education, which also provide the children and young people with educational and artistic support. Since 2009, a total of 1,500 "grey boxes" have been covered in creative and colourful designs.

Another highlight: Since 2013, every participating school has been able to enter its best designed junction box in a competition. It's Stromnetz Berlin's way of acknowledging the efforts of the children and young people involved in the project. The prize for the best junction box is awarded by a jury in November of the competition year.

In addition to this, Stromnetz Berlin gives out an audience prize every year, with the ballot held via the website. The winners of the best junction box competition receive their prizes at a prize-giving ceremony.