Innovations from open data and community involvement
Stromnetz Berlin at the BDEW Convention
Stromnetz Berlin at the BDEW Convention
At the BDEW Convention on 21-22 June 2017 in STATION Berlin, Stromnetz Berlin and the Open Knowledge Foundation are showing how hackathons, open data and community involvement can help to find solutions for the energy transition. They are presenting several projects from the community and experience from both "Energy Hack" events (see The brand-new Electricity Buddy Bear is there "in person": this metre-high Buddy Bear visualises energy data in a creative manner. With more than 500 LEDs, it directly and graphically shows things that are otherwise hidden, such as current generation and load figures in the Berlin districts. Stromnetz Berlin supports this by providing live data as open data.
The stand at the BDEW Convention also provides insight into open data activities within the WindNODE project. Stromnetz Berlin and the Open Knowledge Foundation will organise the first of three hackathons on 22-23 September 2017 in the InfraLab on the EUREF campus within the framework of a four-year project. WindNODE is part of the BMWi-financed "Smart Energy Showcase" (SINTEG) programme. The activity at the BDEW Convention is a kick-off for subsequent activities and is intended to stimulate interest and involvement in digitisation for the energy transition and dealing with data.
Live demos at the convention show how new things arise from the involvement of the hacker and maker community. Experts also look forward to exchanging views with convention participants on questions such as "What is open data good for?" and "How can I get involved?"