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Smart meters for state properties: Franziska Giffey takes stock

Stromnetz Berlin to equip state buildings with smart metering systems by the end of 2025


The state of Berlin and Stromnetz Berlin will continue to focus on smart climate protection through digitalisation in 2025. By the end of the year, the municipal electricity grid operator will have equipped Berlin's buildings with 4,800 intelligent electricity meters, known as smart meters. In future, the measured values from schools, town halls, sports grounds, etc. will be recorded, collected and made available for analysis every quarter of an hour. This means that the energy management of one of the country's largest electricity consumers, the public administration, can be better understood and controlled. "Power guzzlers" will be identified and energy savings achieved more easily. What’s more, there will be no need for manual meter readings and billing will be simplified. Already, 1,000 smart meters have been installed. Berlin's Senator for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, Franziska Giffey, took stock on 15 January at the "Am Mühlenberg" senior citizens' club in Schöneberg and symbolically installed one of these smart metering systems herself. 

Franziska Giffey, Senator for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, says: "Having a fully digitalised overview of electricity consumption in the buildings of Berlin's public institutions by the end of 2025 is real progress for the innovation capital Berlin. Every kilowatt hour of electricity not consumed thanks to smart energy management saves us money, reduces emissions and thus protects the climate. The digital electricity meters enable us to identify and make use of energy-saving potential in our properties almost in real time. We are also already using digital meter reading for district heating consumption. The smart meters will help us to install further intelligent energy management systems in the future and make climate protection tangible for the users of the properties through transparent monitoring." 

Stromnetz Berlin Managing Director Dr Erik Landeck says: "For us as a state-owned company, equipping the state-owned properties with smart meters is a very important project and a milestone in the digitalisation of the electricity grid. There's a lot going on in the city at the moment with the meters. Many Berliners still remember the old Ferraris counters with the spinning disc. We are gradually replacing them with digital meters, which are modern measuring devices. We were able to install the one millionth of these modern meters shortly before the new year. They are like smart meters, but without the send and receive function. We also reached a milestone with smart meters in 2024 and installed the 50,000th in Berlin. By the end of 2025, there will be more than 70,000 in total."