As the operator of Berlin's electricity grid, we are obliged to identify the needs of citizens as early as possible. For this reason, among others, we established a citizens' council with 24 members in May 2022. For us, this body stands under the core motif of participation.
In this annual report, we would like to introduce you to 14 members of the Citizens' Council. The report is titled MIT, because we want to show you which people are involved in the Citizens' Council, how they work in the council and which topics they deal with.
In the Annual Report 2022, the Citizens' Council takes you into its world.
Berlin will become a climate-neutral city in the next few years. Jonathan Deisler, speaking person of the Citizens' Council, has formulated his vision of the ecological and social metropolis of the future. Illustrator Ansgar F. Gelau has translated it into a (partly) futuristic image. Have fun discovering it!