Outage in Adlershof
There has been no electricity in Adlershof since 01:40 this morning. This has affected downstream grid operator Energienetze Berlin, which is supplied by the Berlin distribution system operator Stromnetz Berlin.
There has been no electricity in Adlershof since 01:40 this morning. This has affected downstream grid operator Energienetze Berlin, which is supplied by the Berlin distribution system operator Stromnetz Berlin. Energienetze Berlin supplies the WISTA site in Adlershof and its surroundings.
Alongside approximately 1000 home and business customers who are connected to the grid, the Schöneweide shopping centre, Rathenau Hallen on Wilhelminenhofstrasse and the streets "Am Studio", "Rudower Chaussee", "Wegedornstrasse" and "Ernst-Ruska-Ufer" are affected.
The reason for the outage is a disruption in the 30,000 volt grid (30 kV grid) in the Treptow-Köpenick area. Two consecutive problems there at 00:05 and 01:40 meant that the aforementioned area became cut off from Berlin's distribution grid.
Stromnetz Berlin is in contact with Energienetze Berlin, the other critical infrastructure (gas/water) operators and the relevant authorities. They are still working to identify the fault. Due to the complexity of the situation, it may take several hours to resolve the issue.
Update (19:47)
The outage which began at 01:40 in Adlershof was resolved at 19:37. The electricity supply in the affected area was fully restored after around 18 hours.
The disruption to the 30,000 volt grid (30 kV grid) was triggered by two consecutive failures in two electricity cables, which cut the downstream grid operator Energienetze Berlin off from Berlin's distribution grid.
The length of the outage was due to comprehensive repair work: both defective cables had to be excavated through underground building work, the affected areas removed and new pieces of cable inserted. Because the cables are several metres underground, it took a few hours just to set up and secure the work sites in the Nalepastrasse/Schwarzer Weg and Südostallee areas.
Update (09:25)
The outage in Adlershof, which began at 01:40 this morning, is likely to last until 18:00 this afternoon. This is due to the extensive repairs being carried out, as well as underground building work. We have begun to resolve the problem.