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Stromnetz Berlin is seeking new members for its customer advisory board


Applications are currently open for the new cus-tomer advisory board at Stromnetz Berlin GmbH, the operator of the capital's distribution grid.

Applications are currently open for the new cus-tomer advisory board at Stromnetz Berlin GmbH, the operator of the capital's distribution grid. The invitation to apply for the panel is open to any Berliner who lives in the capital and is at least 16 years old, with applications closing on 25 June 2017. The three-year term would involve attending three meetings and excursions a year to discuss all kinds of topics relating to the Berlin electricity distribution grid; if you would like to be considered for the position, you can apply straight away on the website.

Thomas Schäfer, Chairman of Stromnetz Ber-lin's Board of Management, looks back over the first three years of working with the customer advisory board: "In the eight meetings to date, which management always attend too, we have received lots of suggestions and tips from the members for improving operation of the grid, and we've been able to put these into action. We're delighted that with the new composition of the advisory board, we will get new input once again and will be able to communicate directly with our end customers."

As well as promoting transparency and a better understanding of the Berlin electricity supply, the official duties of the advisory board also include identifying areas for improvement in customer service. In addition, the customer advisory board is free, across the board, to make suggestions on all aspects of the Berlin electricity distribution grid.

By launching the customer advisory board in 2014, the company responded to the desire for a greater degree of co-decision and participation in electricity supply matters, which is shared by a number of Berlin residents. The customer advisory board consists of 24 members who, in an ideal scenario, represent all 12 Berlin districts. Stromnetz Berlin wants this to ensure that the board reflects the diversity of the residents living in the city on the Spree as far as possible. This is why, when filling out the application, hopefuls are asked to supply information on their age, profession and reasons for applying, as well as the usual contact information.

Members of the customer advisory board are not paid, but they receive an annual expense allowance of €50.

Application as an Advisory Board member
Apply to the Customer Advisory Board by 25 June 2017, which will continue its period of office in November 2017.

Within the context of three meetings a year, the Customer Advisory Board allows an open dialogue between Stromnetz Berlin and its customers. Get an insight into Berlin's energy distribution network during visits and excursions.