Fantastic designs at Junction Box Styling 2018: we have the winners!
Around 150 excited young artists along with their teachers and parents waited in anticipation to hear who would win this year's "Most creative junction box" competition. Stromnetz Berlin hosted the crowning event for this year's competition at the Moabit CHP plant on Wednesday afternoon. Prizes in the four categories included a contribution to the class fund and vouchers.
Around 150 excited young artists along with their teachers and parents waited in anticipation to hear who would win this year's "Most creative junction box" competition. Stromnetz Berlin hosted the crowning event for this year's competition at the Moabit CHP plant on Wednesday afternoon. Prizes in the four categories included a contribution to the class fund and vouchers.
Together with Big Moe, a host on Radio 98.8 KISS FM, Thomas Schäfer, CEO of Stromnetz Berlin GmbH announced the jury's results in three categories – and in one instance there was even a tie.
Classic prize for junction boxes
1. 1st place: Anne-Frank-Gymnasium (Treptow-Köpenick), Motiv „The green eye“

The green eye
2. 2nd place (tied): Johann-Strauß-Grundschule (Marzahn-Hellersdorf), Motiv „Musizierende Wesen“ [Musical creatures]
2. 2nd place (tied): Nehring-Grundschule (Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf), Motiv „Der wandernde Massai“ [The Wandering Maasai]
3. 3rd place: Otto-Nagel-Gymnasium (Marzahn-Hellersdorf), Motiv „030 Berlin“
Special prize "Projects" for junction boxes
In this category, no judging took place as there was only one entry. The winner by default was submitted by Richard-Wagner-Grundschule (Lichtenberg) under the title Zitteraal und Roboterhai [Electric Eel and Robot Shark].
Special prize for transformer stations
There were two prizewinners among the six entrants. The first prize went to Wald-Grundschule with Crazy Galaxy - Zukunft [Crazy Galaxy - Future], while Sancta Maria Schule der Hedwigschwestern (Steglitz-Zehlendorf) took second place with Freiheit [Freedom].
Public prize for junction boxes
Berlin residents had the chance to cast their votes for their favourite junction boxes online over a period of 10 days. Three designs were in the running for a long time, but Die Tiere im Sonnenuntergang [Animals at Sunset] from Eckener-Gymnasium (Tempelhof-Schöneberg) ultimately came out on top. The winning group will receive a team outing to the cinema with popcorn.
Winner public prize

More than 40 Berlin schools with a total of around 1,200 pupils together created more than 600 electricity boxes and 25 transformer stations between March and October 2018. Twenty of the participating school classes and projects submitted their results to the competition. Also this year, the children and young people were in the design of the associations meredo e. V. and Helliwood media & education in fjs e.V.
A colorful new Year: In 2019, Stromnetz Berlin will continue the project "Junction Box Styling". The places among the many applications received have already been taken.