Information about power disruptions on Twitter – Stromnetz Berlin is offering a new service
The power disruption account @Stromstoerung tweets updates about high and medium-voltage power outages and their repairs 24 hours a day.
The power disruption account @Stromstoerung tweets updates about high and medium-voltage power outages and their repairs 24 hours a day.
Stromnetz Berlin has recently set up a Twitter account to provide real-time information on power disruptions in the Berlin distribution network, their approximate duration, and repair information. These updates are the same as the disruption map on the company's website for the high and medium-voltage network.
This new channel expands the range of services for customers and provides a first source of information. However, it is not a channel for reporting disruptions. To report a disruption, customers can still call the free disruption hotline on 0800 2 11 25 25.
Company Twitter account @StromnetzBln
Stromnetz Berlin also tweets using another account, @StromnetzBln, where Twitter users can find information about company-specific topics relating to power supply.
The Stromnetz Berlin Twitter team answers customers' questions through both of the accounts every working day, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 4pm.