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Consumers temporarily read meters themselves


Stromnetz Berlin restricts contacts between customers and employees

Stromnetz Berlin restricts contacts between customers and employees.

Please note!

This press release was updated on March 24, 2020.
(The note about meter replacement has been removed.)

All information in this press release is as of March 19, 2020 and may have changed in the meantime.

The most current information is always on the home page or the relevant topic pages!

Information on meter reading

Information on meter installation, disassembly and replacement

In order not to endanger its customers and its own employees, the Stromnetz Berlin GmbH asks tenants and owners in Berlin to read and transmit their electricity consumption until further notice. So far, the contracted metering companies have come to the customers' homes and have recorded the meter reading there once a year. In order to slow the spread of the corona virus, Stromnetz Berlin is deviating from this practice for the time being. Instead, meter reading cards will be sent by post from today.

Customers who receive a meter reading card are asked to transmit the meter readings of the meters mentioned online or by telephone or with the return card. This ensures that the respective supplier's electricity bill arrives on time despite the current restrictions.
The only exceptions are where the meters are not behind the apartment door, but for example in the basements and common rooms of apartment buildings, so that contacts between employees and residents can be largely excluded. In these special cases, the reading is announced by a notice. The presence of the tenant or owner is not required.

The meter reading can be reported: