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Our service

Customer requests 030 49202 0294

Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm

Connection for generating units and storages

Our power distribution grid is ready for the connection of your generation system or your power storage. The installer of the system will clarify the requirements and wishes with you and send them to us.

Voltage levels for feeding in

The choice of voltage levels for feeds depends on the following factors:

  • Your planned feed-in activity
  • The circumstances of our distribution grid at the feed-in location.

We examine the possibility of using your existing connection or the need for a new connection. Generally, private customers feed energy into the low voltage grid (0.4 kV) and business customers feed into the medium (10 kV) or high voltage (110 kV) grids.

Simplification of the connection of generation plants in customer plants to the 10 kV medium-voltage grid

valid from 22.09.2023

Based on new findings from a scientific study, we are simplifying the connection conditions for generation plants in customer installations on the 10 kV medium-voltage grid.

When connecting PV systems, the installation of voltage protection (U0t protection) can be dispensed with, provided that only non-grid-forming converters are installed in the customer system, which are operated with an active islanding detection method in accordance with VDE AR-N 4105.

U0t protection is still required if a PV system feeds into the customer's system via a grid-forming converter or if the generation system is a synchronous generator.

The "Technical requirements for connection to the medium-voltage grid" will be adapted accordingly and are expected to be published at the end of 2023.

Visiting the feed-in point

An inspection of the system may be necessary before the commissioning of your generation system or your electricity storage system and the feeding of energy into our distribution grid. If an inspection is necessary, we will inform you and your installer in good time.


Solar plant up to 100 kWp

Sun from the balcony

Using electricity from alternative energy sources is now easier than ever - with solar panel for the balcony.

Connection at the medium or high voltage

Publications according to KraftNAV


Information feed-in

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