Stromnetz Berlin publishes finalised grid fees for 2024
Cessation of the federal subsidies for transmission system networks and stubbornly high energy prices lead to increased grid fees
In mid-December, the four German transmission system operators (TSOs) published the final, unified, countrywide transmission system fees for the coming year. These are, on average, 6.43 cents per kilowatt-hour (previously 3.12 ct/kWh) and thus represent a 105 percent increase over the preceding figure. Last year, a billion-euro subsidy from the German Economic Stabilisation Fund (WSF) provided significant relief from higher costs at the transmission system level.
A federal subsidy was initially announced for 2024 as well. However, because of the changed budgetary situation after the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court on the energy and climate fund, this federal financial support will not be paid out this time. The TSOs have thus had to adjust their provisional grid fees for 2024. Against the backdrop of persistently high prices on the fuel and electricity markets, the TSOs continue to face high cost burdens, which are reflected in the significant hikes in grid fees. Above all, the costs of so-called congestion management, the provision of balancing power and procurement of energy to cover losses in the grid for the coming year, as well as grid expansion as part of the energy transition, have significantly impacted the increase in fees.
Average Berlin household to be charged 3,60 euros more per month than 2023
The grid fees levied by the TSO 50Hertz are an essential component of Stromnetz Berlin’s grid fee calculations. Following the announcement by the TSOs about their fee adjustments, Stromnetz Berlin also had to recalculate and make adjustments to the provisional grid fees published in October 2023.
Berlin households will thus have to reckon with an increase in grid fees in 2024. The now significantly higher costs from the transmission system and for the procurement of energy to compensate for losses will lead to a palpable increase.
In concrete terms, this means that the grid fees for Berlin household customers in 2024 will continue to be made up of an unchanged annual standing charge of 39.70 euros and a sliding unit price of 11.11 cents per kilowatt-hour (previously 8.93 ct/kWh). The annual cost of metering for a modern meter (single-tariff meter) remains constant at 20 euros. For the average Berlin household with an annual energy consumption of 1,950 kilowatt-hours (kWh), this means an increase of around 18 percent, or approximately 3.60 euros per month.
Grid fees make up about one-fifth of the electricity price
The grid fees are part of the electricity price and are levied in equal measure via the electricity rates of all suppliers active in Berlin. On average, they make up about one-fifth of the electricity price. Grid fees are made up of the costs for transporting electricity, costs of operating a meter, meter reading and billing and the cost of the upstream transmission system. The determination of the amount of the grid fees is carried out according to the specifications of the Electricity Grid User Charge Ordinance (StromNEV) and the Ordinance on the Regulation of Incentives (ARegV).
Under Section 20 para. 1 of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG), Stromnetz Berlin GmbH must publish the following year's fees for grid access online by 31 December of each year. The grid fees are now available on our website. Stromnetz Berlin has hereby informed all suppliers and customers of the adjustment of grid fees.